Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cerebus #91: "The Applicant"

Download Cerebus the Aardvark #91

Hell Hath No Fury Dept.
Yes, I know that I posted a Cerebus the Aardvark funny on April 15th, but I inadvertently stumbled across this gem tonight and was again reminded how hilarious Dave Sim can be with his short stories. Consequently, I simply cannot resist running this one back-to-back with the last one. So take a gander and enjoy a good laugh!


  1. OW: That was really funny. Somehow, I missed the whole Cerebus thing. One day I'll have to get on board. -- Mykal

  2. Don't feel so bad as I only own about 8 to a dozen issues of Cerebus that I somehow managed to pick up, but what few I have are cheerce ;-]
