Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chilling Adventures In Sorcery #3: "Missing Link!"

Download Chilling Adventures In Sorcery #03

Does anyone out there know what the worst cliché in the Science Fiction genre is? That's right, it's when the last two survivors of a post-apocalyptic Earth turn out to be Adam and Eve. Well, this story isn't quite that clichéd, but it nearly is, which was more than fine for me back when I picked this up at the age of nine or ten. After all, such concepts were still new to me back then as a child. It also helps when you're a sucker for a well-told time travel story like I was (still am) and admire the meticulous and brilliant artwork of Gray Morrow, even if he was a tad verbose on this one. But all that nitpicking aside, "Missing Link" is well worth your time and just look at that gorgeous cover art!


  1. I love Gray's work. I once got once-in-a-lifetime to work with him--I was ecstatic! I mean, Gray was an EC artist, you dig? He had done a Zatanna book for DC and they only pub'd 30 pages of a 60 page story. So he brought those extra pages to Fantagraphics and said, he'd change the character's costume, to avoid copyright isssues, and if we re-scripted it, he would re-draw a few panels topless, we cd advertise it as a dirty book and we could have it for pennys on the dollar.
    I was doing a couple books for Fantagraphics, at the time, and my editor liked my work, so he gave it to me. I took xerox copies of the pages and a mug of coffee and sat in the bath for 45 minutes, until I figured out a way to make it work. I called it, tongue-in-cheek, "Cosmic Girlie" but fortunately, Gray got the script before lettering, and changed
    "Girlie" to "Kliti". The thing sold like hotcakes, but she was only topless in TWO panels. But I guess the title was so DIRTY that slobbering overweight fanboys couldn't resist!!!


  3. Wow, do you got a cool collection. I love Morrow, and have a print of his "Brain of Blood" movie poster hanging in my living room. Great post!

  4. Thank you so much for the always kind comments ;-]
