Friday, June 11, 2010

Zero Patrol #3: "Shaman" Back-Up Story

Download Zero Patrol #3

Download Legionarios Del Espacio #3

"...the best part of the issue has got to be the five-page Shaman story by Neal Adams. Besides Adams' art, still among the finest in the field, this story bursts at the seams with more ideas and plot twists than most stories ten times its length."

Don Thompson
The Comic Buyer's Guide
December 21, 1984

Shaman was a back-up story appearing in Zero Patrol #3, published in April, 1988, and was written and drawn by Neal Adams. The story and art received high praise from the late, great Don Thompson in the Comics Buyer's Guide. While that was some time ago, I still recall that Thompson observed that Adams managed to cram in more story and plot development in these five pages than many well-known comic book writers could do over a number of full-length issues. I concur as the story and art are both first rate. Highly recommended.

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