Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Unexpected #144: "Curse of the Black Cat!"

Download Tales of the Unexpected v1 #144

One good cat cover deserves another, I say. The Unexpected #144 I picked up in Canada while vacationing as a kid with my family, which brings back some really nice memories of the Great White North. That gorgeous Nick Cardy cover sold me on this one, but being a small child at the time I was genuinely disappointed that none of the stories inside contained a monstrously huge black cat as the cover implied. Instead, we're treated to a story about Johnny Dodge, who's an escaped inmate desperately trying to elude the law and the bloodhounds hot on his trail. Of course, bad luck crosses Mr. Dodge's path in the form of Charcoal, an all-black feral cat. This is a short story so I'll let you folks read what happens next. This isn't an especially great story, but it's okay, nicely illustrated, and the comic book itself has a lot of nostalgic value for me. While I have no idea who wrote the actual story "Curse of the Black Cat!," I do know that John Calnan did the penciling while Ernie Chan was responsible for the inking.


  1. OW: Those Chan inks are so distinctive. I love that you have a memory of place and time associated with many of the comics. All of my memories revolve around two spinner racks - one at a small grocery (and I mean small) when I was very young - and then of course the spinner at RExall's, wich lasted many, many glorious years.

  2. Mykal: Thank you for the kind comment and I was pretty much the same with two spinner racks in the small rural town I grew up in: One at Rexall's Drug Store and the other at The Bottle Shop.

    My memory isn't always so encyclopedic, but it usually is with my personal favorites. In the case of The Unexpected #144, I had nearly two weeks in the back of a station wagon with that comic book so that one is kind of tough to forget ;-]
