Monday, November 22, 2010

Omega Men #26: "Vega: Brief Lives" (Alan Moore)

Download Omega Men #26

One of the most inventive of scriptwriters and certainly the most mystical, Alan Moore has been working in comics for over a quarter of a century. After breaking into the field in his native England, he branched out into American comic books and at the end of 1983 was given Swamp Thing to write. His rejuvenation of the muck monster drew considerable attention to Moore's work, and his reputation in the field has continued to grow ever since.

demonstrates his talent for the short story by scripting this four-page masterpiece called "Vega: Brief Lives," in which
the Spider Guild find that they are powerless to conduct an invasion of a planet whose inhabitants are too long-lived to notice them. This story is illustrated by Kevin O'Neill, who is best known as the co-creator of Nemesis the Warlock, Marshal Law (with writer Pat Mills), and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (with Alan Moore).

1 comment:

  1. This story is based on Ursula K. Leguin's "Vaster Than Empires And More Slow". Moore is a good writer and a fine deconstructionist, but I can't recall an original idea of his.
