Download Saga of Swamp Thing #32
After the cancellation of 1972's Swamp Thing, another series devoted to the forlorn bayou monster began in 1982 as Saga of the Swamp Thing and later became simply Swamp Thing. The team of Alan Moore and Steve Bissette, who worked on the newer version, earned the title considerable attention. That second series ended in 1996, and Swamp Thing returned under the Vertigo banner for twenty issues from 2000 to 2001. Mike Kaluta provided some of the drawing.
The clever and beautiful art is by guest illustrator Shawn McManus, whom I half jokingly refer to as "that artist capable of brief flashes of brilliance," but he shined so very, very brightly on this one. The entire work is a masterfully brilliant and creative nod to Walt Kelly's Pogo.

OW: I agree with your assessment. Staggering, beautiful, heart-wrenching, and a loving tribute to Kelly all in one. Where do you find this stuff?
Great, great post. -- Mykal
Find page by page analysis of the "Pog" story and all of Allan Moore's and Rick Veitch's Swamp Thing issues at the Swamp Thing Annotations:
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