Download Doc Stearn... Mr. Monster v1 #3
Mr. Monster chronicles the adventures of Doc Stearn, a man who tangles with any and every type of occult menace. Michael T. Gilbert is responsible for the art and usually the story, too, but Alan Moore guest writes this issue and a Steve Bissette cover rounds out the entire magazine.
"Now... let's get out there and blast those subhuman vermin to bloody gobbets!"
Case of the Recalcitrant Refuse
Script: Alan Moore
Pencils: Michael T Gilbert
Inks: Michael T Gilbert and William F Loebs

Basil Wolverton is one of the few comic book artists whose work can legitimately be called unique. Although he created such serious adventure features as Spacehawk, he's best

One of the major appeals of Wolverton's space opera was the artwork. He was very good at gadgets, especially the kind that require lots of nuts and bolts. His spaceships had the bulk and feel of ocean liners, the control rooms were as cluttered with pipes and dials as an apartment-house basement.
Swamp Monster
Script: Basil Wolverton
Pencils and inks: Basil Wolverton
- from Weird Mysteries (Key Publications, 1952 series) #5.
- in Doc Stearn...Mr. Monster (Eclipse, 1985 series) #3.
- in Tales Too Terrible to Tell (New England Comic Press Inc, 1989 series) #9.
- in Four Color Fear (Fantagraphics, 2010 series) #[nn].

That first story with the Gilbert art (whom I'm not very familiar with) is really beautiful - I think the colorist really earned his/her pay on that one (along with Gilberts swell layouts and inks).
I was never a Wolverton fan (I know, that makes me in a very small minority); but lately I've been seeing some of his older horror work, and I'm very quickly changing my mind. That splash page needs a frame!
That's funny as I didn't care for Wolverton's work as a kid either, unless you count the many covers he illustrated for Plop!
In fact, I recall trading away Weird Wonder Tales #1 because it contained a reprint of Wolverton's "The Eye of Doom," which I found too radical for my otherwise conventional tastes as a ten-year-old boy. Thanks to reprints I picked up as an adult, such as Curse of the Weird, I finally acquired the taste for his "trippy" style of art!
Thank you for commenting, Mykal!
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