Things that make you go ARRGH! Here's a really nifty story from 1975, which I thought was absolutely hilarious when I read it as a kid, called "The Some-Thing." Featuring an alien monstrosity spouting lines like, "Arghhh! Meaning-what's cookin'?," how could it fail to entertain

A leading exponent of the DC house style of the sixties (as exemplified by Mike Sekowsky, etc.), Ross Andru pencilled Wonder Woman from 1958 to 1967 and Metal Men from 1962 to 968. In the seventies he worked for Marvel on such heroes as Spider-Man. His partner at DC was Mike Esposito, who inked all of his work for that publisher.
Andru had studied at the Cartoonists and Illustrators School in Manhattan, which was co-founded by Burne Hogarth. His first professional cartooning job was penciling, without credit, Hogarth's Sunday Tarzan page. He teamed up with Mike Esposito in the early fifties to turn out Mr. Universe, a nicely done adventure comic book about a world-traveling wrestler. It lasted only five issues. The two also produced an unsuccessful newspaper soap-opera strip titled Martha Hart. By the late fifties they were employed by DC. Andru and Esposito became the first

Andru, without Esposito, moved over to Marvel in 1972. While his main assignment was penciling Spider-Man, he also turned out pages for Dr. Strange, The Fantastic Four, and X-Men. Comics historian Michael Vance has said of Andru that "[his] pencils were clean, bold and technically beyond criticism." Will Jacobs and Gerard Jones, in Comic Book Heroes, said "Andru generally produced forceful and dramatic work."
Andru returned to DC in the eighties. Early in the next decade, shortly before his death, he teamed again with Esposito on a Zen Intergalactic Ninja mini-series published by Archie Comics.
I know that I still have some catching up to do with my blogs, but until then I hope you get as much enjoyment from this short story as I did!
Script: Mike Esposito
Pencils: Mike Esposito
Inks: Ross Andru

OW: Wow, have you been cranking out the great stuff lately. If this is making up for lost time, keep it up!
Fanstastic story and art. I have never seen this, so thanks.
Hi Mykal,
Thanks for the kind words, as always!
It just so happens I looked this issue of Arrgh! up at the Grand Comics Database tonight and it says that this story was copyrighted by Mike Esposito and Ross Andru in 1972 despite the fact that this was published in 1975, which causes me to wonder if this was a reprint from Crazy? I don't know, but I'll thumb through some issues to see if that's so, but either way I agree with you as the story and art are first rate!
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